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My name is Miche. I love good food! Let's talk!

Homegrown tomato rainbow!


I'm incredibly excited to be kicking off this journey with Eat.grow.flourish, and I'm even more stoked that you've decided to join me. The only thing better than loving food, is sharing that love with others! I am deeply passionate about food. This is an intricate, multi-dimensional, deep rooted passion...and it is about much more than just what I eat, although that is of great importance.

My passion is also about how I eat what I want to eat; where it comes from; how it's produced; who produces it; how to find it; how to buy it; and how to store or preserve it. My choices consider the health of my family and the health of our environment.

It is my hope to inspire you, entice you, encourage you, challenge you...and learn from you throughout this journey...... I hope you're ready to join me!


Something I am really looking forward to on this journey, is igniting a conversation about good food. I want to really dig deep into this topic, in a way that is real and honest.

Let's start by being straight up honest with ourselves.... and, I'll go first. But before that, let's be clear - there's no room for any judgement here. We're being real, remember?

I - Miche, author behind + creator of Eat.grow.flourish - am not perfect. I'm not perfect. I do not eat local and organic foods 100% of the time. I sometimes eat junk food. GMO foods have not been eradicated from my diet (yet). Neither has refined sugar (yet). I still eat foods that have travelled way farther than I likely have in my entire life.

But - I'm aware of all of this.

I'm very aware of many teensy, tiny little details about the food my family and I eat, and based on this awareness, I strive to make changes and improvements - because I am conscious of the not-so-awesome choices I still sometimes make.

With that being said, there are a lot of things I'm proud of. Dan and I prioritize food - it is one of the #1 most important things in our family life. We think about what food we are buying when, and from where. We talk about the not-so-awesome choices we make, and how we can make better ones - like seriously, when you're just craving a bag of chips - how do you make a smarter choice?

We talk, we plan, we invest. Food is our fuel. Aside from water, there is really nothing else that is more important. It's time we start acting like it....right?

So then, here we are. Embarking on a journey into good food.

A journey that is not perfect, but that strives to be conscious; an adventure into making better choices about the foods we are choosing to eat - knowing that we are only contributing to a healthier version of ourselves, a healthier community, a healthier local economy, and a healthier environment. Because, it just makes sense.

So, what is GOOD FOOD anyways?

Let's take a minute here, and get on the same page about something. "Good food" means a lot of different things, to a lot of different people. So what does it mean to me?

To me, good food is:

  • food that enhances the health of its growers + its consumers;

  • food that when produced, gives back to the health of the surrounding environment;

  • food that returns a fair profit to its producer;

  • food that is produced through sustainable methods;

  • and it is food that is nutrient dense and tasty, of course!

Now, as you hear me talk about good food, you'll have an understanding of what exactly I'm referring to..... but perhaps this idea of what good food is all about can be expanded a bit.

I'd like to sign off this introductory blog post, with a few questions for you to ponder over, and answer. When you're ready, join the conversation by commenting below with the answer to these questions:

Why is good food important to you?

What does good food look like in your life?

How are you hoping Eat.grow.flourish can help you in this shared journey into good food?

I can't wait to hear your input!

Let's Talk!


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